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Sunday, May 13, 2012

Grateful to be a Mommy

Every day I am grateful for these two little boys.  They overflow my life with so much love, laughter and happiness.  A day can be filled with moments of being so proud and then ten seconds later needing to cover my nose since one or both passed gas....LoL!  I managed to grab this picture today of how good they are to each other.  Times like this make my heart smile and remind me of how blessed I am that they are my sons.  My oldest is ten years old and my baby will be 8 next month!  Ahhhhhh...giggles.  I wish this time could slow down but I know in minutes they will be in college.  Enjoy the time you have with your little ones and take tons of pictures along the way.  They will come in handy for their wedding day when it is time to embarrass them.  

PS...Happy Momma's Day to all!  :-) Follow Me on Pinterest

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