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Saturday, March 24, 2012

Hooked on a Book, A Must Read!

Update below, keep reading!  :-)
Ok, I know I haven't posted recently and I am sortof in a holding pattern since my next project should be a secret one for a relative who wants me to make something for their daughter.  Which I need to start REALLY soon if I hope to have it done in time, hint hint to relative who knows who she is.  HaHa!

So I found out through a Twitter friend, that they had written a book and it was on Amazon.  THEN, I hear that the first four chapters are there for us to read.  All I can say is if you read the 1st page of the book you will likely already be hooked into needing more.  The name of the book is: The Distant Shore by: Mariam Kobras.  You can click the link on the left to order it now off of Amazon like I am also doing or the one on the right to buy it for your kindle
Mariam, is a fun, sweet woman to follow on Twitter and best of all a bit ornery and feisty :p

***UPDATE***  Mariam's 2nd book is due to come out October 1, 2012!  You can pre-order it now though!   It is titled "Under the Same Sun" and I will be ordering mine, are you going to also?

So until my new book shows up, I think I should get started on this check book cover I have been wanting to do for a while, the pattern is made by Sara Gray of Sew Together.  I see purple in my near future, just saying :p

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Pic of her book so I can Pin it too!  :-)
Cover of 2nd book in the Trilogy :-)


  1. You are VERY welcome! I wouldn't have written it, if I didn't honestly feel this way, you ARE feisty! Kidding, your book has me wanting more and I had to share it with anyone that is listening :-)
